Register for the Destin Fishing Rodeo
September 14, 2015
If you have what it takes to reel in one fish after another, you need to participate in the Destin Fishing Rodeo. As a participant, you can show the whole city of Destin that you have what it takes to compete with the big boys. Time is running out to register, so be sure to register soon as you can take part in the 67th annual Destin Fishing Rodeo.
What is the Destin Fishing Rodeo?
If you’re new to the Destin fishing scene, you might not know about the Destin Fishing Rodeo. The rodeo takes place during the entire month of October. You can fish every day from 10 AM until 7 PM, and then head to the docks at AJs for the weigh in. Depending on your weigh in, you might win a prize. Â
While some fishing tournaments are just for specific fish, the Destin Fishing Rodeo is open to most gamefish, including King Mackerel, Snapper, and Grouper. That means you can be a part of the rodeo, whether you are doing inshore or deep sea fishing.
How to Participate
The Destin Fishing Rodeo is open to both private and charter boats. Plus, you can fish on the pier bridge jetty. It doesn’t matter where you fish, as long as you show up for the weigh in.
If you’re going to go with a private boat or fish off the pier, you need to register in advance. If you’re going to go with a charter boat, book your fishing trip now so you can register for the Destin Fishing Rodeo for free.
You can book your charter boat on the Destin Fishing Rodeo website.
Don’t wait until it’s too late to book your spot in the Destin Fishing Rodeo. Once you are signed up, start working on your strategy so you can bring in some big fish this season.
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