Sight Fishing Tips
June 22, 2015
It’s an exciting time to go on a Destin fishing excursion. That’s because it’s currently tarpon season. You can go on a sight fishing trip and catch some tarpon. First, though, you need to learn some sight fishing tips. Then, you will be ready for your Destin fishing trip.
Don’t Get Too Close
It’s normal to get anxious during a Destin fishing excursion, but that can hurt you when you are sight fishing. You need to keep your distance so the fish aren’t aware that you are hunting them. Get close enough that you can make out the outline of the fish, but stay far enough away that the fish can’t see you in the eye. This will help you reel in some tarpon.
Patience is the Key
When you go on a Destin fishing excursion, you want to catch as many fish as possible. That can cause you to lose your patience. A lack of patience is a great way to come up empty handed when sight fishing. You might need to switch out your baits before you get fish to bite. Take your time and you will be rewarded.
Be Quiet
Some people make a lot of noise when sight fishing. They don’t come up with any fish. You need to sneak up on the fish so don’t make much noise. Keep the trolling motor off as much as possible and don’t do a lot of talking in the boat. That will make it much easier to sneak up on the tarpon during your Destin fishing trip.
Use these tips during your Destin fishing trip. That way, you can reel in some tarpon during your sight fishing adventure. Keep in mind that tarpon season is short so it’s time to get started. That way, you can reel in the big one this season.
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